Recent content by dust

  1. D

    hi..n00b here

    Oh and one other question.. im curious, whats a shackle reversal?
  2. D

    hi..n00b here

    Aaah, thank you! Thats what I needed to know... now to find a good lift kit and see if I can install it myself lol
  3. D

    hi..n00b here

    Im not sure if its a sport. Any way I can find out? The manual has been lost for a long time lol... I already punched in the vin# to the decoder and it said the body type was an "S".. maybe that just stands for sport? And if it is a sport, YJ or YJS parts are what I need to look for? EDIT...
  4. D

    hi..n00b here

    hi all, i love the site, just recently found it while doing some research on my jeep. A few things about myself; Im not mechanically inclined, I dont know much about jeeps, and I intend to change that. I currently own a 1994 Jeep Wrangler S, 2.5L 4cyl. (given to me by my father) and have had it...