Recent content by geopig

  1. geopig

    YJ signal issues

    Finally did get them working. As it turns out, on the passenger side tailight there was an extra wire that was not necessary to hook up, which differed from the drivers side. I was trying to utilize all 3 wires on the passengers side since that is what I did on the drivers. I'm not sure what the...
  2. geopig

    YJ signal issues

    Thanks LV, I definitely had some wires crossed, but I'm still having an issue. Everything was working before the change also. So after my first botched attempt I pulled it all apart again this evening and think that I'm pretty close. So as wired now (after trying many permutations) I have...
  3. geopig

    YJ signal issues

    Hi all, it's been a long time since I've posted on but after having my jeep in storage for a year and a half I'm back on the road with it. The issue I'm having is with the rear turn signal flashers. I just installed an LED conversion kit on my 91 YJ. Brake and tail lights are no...
  4. geopig

    Hey everyone!! Info on sailcloth RAT

    Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've been on and posted, been super-busy this year. I'm actually moving to Eau Claire, Wisconsin in a few months to start a new job at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Which leads me to my question. Since I'm heading back to colder weather (than...
  5. geopig

    Wheelin'-Losin' the clutch-New pedals

    This isn't super technical and more just a report with a basic question so I put it here rather than in the tech section. So I was out wheelin'/working all last week in eastern Neveda, which was awesome. I highly recommend the wheeling, scenery and geology (for those so inclined) along the...
  6. geopig

    Fuel line security

    So last weekend some a-hole tried to siphon gas from my jeep while it was parked in my spot behind our apt. building. One of my neighbors just happened to be leaving and spooked the guy off. I thought I was good since I have a locking gas cap but the bugger unhooked the fuel filler line from...
  7. geopig

    Bye Bye Pluto (Stoopid Sientesseds)

    Just an added note to this story. The astronomers who met to decide whether Pluto was indeed going to remain a planet or not were also going to rename any celestial body 1/12th the size of the earth that orbits the sun in an orbit outboard of saturn a "pluton". Despite the fact that there were...
  8. geopig

    c'mon for sale jeep hard top

    :purple: I can see how this could head south pretty quick. But worth a giggle.
  9. geopig

    c'mon for sale jeep hard top

    Gotta get me one of them 99 CJ's...
  10. geopig

    Crazy Oil Pressure

    I'd bet it's the sending unit. Get a good one, don't go for the cheapie as I've found out twice that a cheapie sending unit will often fail within a year.
  11. geopig

    Hell'o' Stranger

    Great to have you back tug! Now go out and get that YJ and get to it!!
  12. geopig

    Sway bar link

    Yeah, I'll PB it for a couple of days and give it another shot later in the week with a BFH and 2x4 backin' me up. Hopefully my next post will reek of success.
  13. geopig

    Sway bar link

    Well I just seem to have the hardest time with the seemingly simplest tasks. :( So I went to put on my new JKS quick disconnects this afternoon and for the life of me I could not get the darned old sway bar links removed from the swaybar. The top bolt, that goes through the link and then through...
  14. geopig

    About those Mirror Movers...

    Re: About those Mirror Movers... When I put my mirror movers on, my windshield (torx) bolts would not budge. Welded the mirror movers right on the the windshield bracket since I never have the windshield down then painted over the spots that were ground before welding. Just another option.
  15. geopig

    Wheel well carpet ideas

    Rust, I really had lime green in mind. To each his own I guess... Yeah, I figured some scraps of indoor/outdoor carpet would be the best.