Recent content by redneck

  1. redneck

    91 yj won't start

    Thanks for all the help. It was a wire that a mouse chewed thought under the hood.
  2. redneck

    91 yj won't start

    Yes I have fuel. I have spark. It sound like it wants t start but it doesn't.
  3. redneck

    91 yj won't start

    I have a 91 yj 2.5L. I parked it for 2 weeks and when to start it to move it. It just cranked. I'm getting spark and gas but won't fire up. Can anyone help me.
  4. redneck

    97 TJ won't start after sitting 18 days

    did you try the speed sensor in the distributor. That makes jeep don't start it happen to mine jeep before.
  5. 36_j10


  6. j10face


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  14. redneck

    Help with my Jeep truck

    Thanks MudderChuck. I'll try that.
  15. redneck

    Help with my Jeep truck

    Ya, thank. I was looking into MSD ignition already. Stock is ok but aftermarket is better