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  1. muttnutt

    what state has the most jeeps?

    i went to visit a friend he moved to a little town in n/c called robinsville one post office two trafic light one supermarket maybe population 500 i saw about 25 cjs or maybe it was a convention or something.:lol::lol::lol: the only bad thing was no booze(drycounty):lol::lol:jeep and no beer.
  2. muttnutt

    what state has the most jeeps?

    utah i think you hit the nail right on the head,beighn so quick to judge other people,just because they dont drive ajeep,thres all kinds of 4x4s to me its like beighn racist whats the difference?ask me about my 4x4 and ill ask you about mine.insecuredness and to much pride has no room on this...
  3. muttnutt

    what state has the most jeeps?

    any cjs around the smokey mountains?or the apalachians?seems like that would be ahella a gonna traler my muttnutt one day.
  4. muttnutt


    thats a monter jeep:shades:
  5. muttnutt


    youre wife yells out lunch is ready,and youre working on youre machine,and you say, could you bring it here please?
  6. muttnutt

    im back from vacation,hello all except?

    ive got great pictures to share,i finally went under water and yes i wore scuba gearthe florida keys is the best no place like south florida life is great,all except a few haters on the way,700 miles on my muttnutt,so did i miss anything?sorry having issues uploading ill be back:shades:
  7. muttnutt

    any girls have jeeps here

    look listen,im going back to work today,so no more time for this,you guys losen up youre so uptight have some fun ,the only reason why i went there with rubi-lisa is because she answered my private mesage and said she would love to chat with me now doesnt that make a guy believe theres...
  8. muttnutt

    Comment by 'muttnutt' in media 'pic_1'

    i like it very much,v8 power hell yeah.
  9. muttnutt

    Where is my friend Shewilly????

    i wanna meet she willy lisa introduce me?
  10. muttnutt


    hey snitty how about pulling that engine thats got a zillion miles and replacing it with brand new military m151a2 about 2 grand would do it.and of course if youre straight six doesnt need a rebuild yet,just make it work thats a start.welcome.
  11. muttnutt

    Yup, its under water (video)

    jfrabat have you seen my mutt on miami streets yet?and do you own a troller?
  12. muttnutt

    Yup, its under water (video)

    wow its true,you do learn something new everyday i thought it was a jeep,so its made in brasil with a ford engine does that make it brasilian or american made?snorkel i like.:shades:
  13. muttnutt

    any girls have jeeps here

    dear rubi,or may i call you lisa?i have an open relationship with my wife,what about you and youre hubby?are you single?anyway you promised if uncle bill showed you his speedo, you would do the bikini show right?im showing lots of interest on you cause you are the first female that talked to me...
  14. muttnutt

    have you seen one of these(LOOK)

    finally given permision to show thanks god:shades:
  15. muttnutt

    Yup, its under water (video)

    there from brasil(southamerica)i got one thing to say (now thats a REAL JEEP:shades::lol::lol:stay tuned for my underwater video coming soon
  16. muttnutt

    wheelies on southbeach yes in the water

    im working on this new video,but i keep having people aproach with the (what is it)question.a couple more days,by the way have you seen one of these in youre town?
  17. muttnutt

    The OFFICIAL Random thread

    then god created the muttnutt.:shades:out of miami florida,yeap close to dolphin stadium.bought it only 2 months ago 4x4 4speed 4cyl.4 wheel independent suspension 24volt,waterproof ignition i now have 3250 fun miles built to last all m151a2 components,yes!!street legal.
  18. muttnutt


    Re: 1074330 thats funny i get that all the time in my growler mutt.
  19. muttnutt

    any girls have jeeps here

    yeap,dolphin fan at heart,i actually live a couple blocks from dolphin stadium,lots of sandunes around the stadium,im having all kinds of fun in my new GROWLER MUTT.anyway what happened to the girls?
  20. muttnutt

    fast fast jeeps,quartermilebig blocks cjs

    yes rubi im bored,would you be my friend?