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  1. muttnutt

    Reposting - In a rough spot - need some money

    also try craiglist for more exposure,get a second opinion on the bulldog.
  2. muttnutt

    any girls have jeeps here

    any other girls prefer cruising alone?how about a picture casper?:shades:
  3. muttnutt

    video - Young Mechanic and a Jeep

    like father like son,just leave the winch alone.:shades::lol:
  4. muttnutt

    manual or auto whats more fun?

    triptronic available in jeep?
  5. muttnutt


  6. muttnutt

    any girls have jeeps here

    we have lots of jeeps in south florida,and i noticed women that drive alone will do the jeep wave more often than those who are acompanied by their male question is as a woman do you feel more sexy or more like you want to flick youre finger? another question how many girls met their...
  7. muttnutt

    Sweet 1953 M38A1

    wow i really like youre jeep,was that originally built like that?m38 components jeep body
  8. muttnutt

    How tight should my Serpintine belt be

    could be youre a/c compresor locking up or maybe try some of that squeak spray.
  9. muttnutt

    fast fast jeeps,quartermilebig blocks cjs

    my mutt does about 70 top end,it would be cool to build a jeep that can do 7s or 8s in the quatermile,whats the biggest engine anyone has ever seen in a jeep chevy or ford?
  10. new_mutt_nuut_025


  11. new_mutt_nuut_024


  12. new_mutt_nuut_0071


  13. new_mutt_nuut_0221


  14. buggy_nights_4331


  15. muttnutt

    fast fast jeeps,quartermilebig blocks cjs

    what will youre jeep do in the quarter mile anyone got a burnout video?
  16. muttnutt

    Camo Jeep Wrap

    if the girls wasnt in the picture,would it still be interesting? sex sells:shades::lol:
  17. muttnutt

    any girls have jeeps here

    this quest,to the ladys,do you have more fun in youre jeep by yourself or with youre man?
  18. muttnutt

    what state has the most jeeps?

    my opinion not to ofend any two wheelers,is that it would be kinda funny seeing a 2 wheel jeep wrangler stuck in a little opinion all wranglers should be 4x4 i think it should be a trademark,just two cents worth.imagine a group of jeeps trailriding and one says to the other i cant follow...
  19. muttnutt

    Let's see some nice CJ pics please.

    cj,s used to be cool to me till i got my nuttnutt 4cyl.4speed,4x4,4wheel independent suspension waterproof ignition m151a2 military components.street legal.:shades:
  20. muttnutt

    The Jeep wave...

    i agree some jeep owners buy jeeps and there afraid to go offroad,i have a friend his jeep is spotless always thats like buying a boat and fishing in youre front yard.when im driving and i see a trail im on it,never be afraid to get stuck or dirty.