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  1. Greencuke

    GTO build up

    so when we get back, ive been talking w/ a buddy of mine about begining my long desired quest to own a classic GTO. He's been honing his skills fixing the humvees we've been blowing up, and is interested in doing something a little "nicer". does anyone have any knowledge of a 65-70 project GTO...
  2. Greencuke

    internal battle...still a jeeper

    so, in all my infinate bordem over here ive been considering trading the jeep. after reading some posts, and the arivle of my new quadratec catalogue ive decited that the fun of the jeep is worth keeping. so yay, im still here
  3. Greencuke

    aev brute kit?

    i just got my new quadratec and i saw the brute kit in it. this seems pretty badass, a little pricey though. i woudltn use it on my jeep, but if i could pick up an older tj cheap... what does anyone thing?
  4. Greencuke

    greetings from iraq

    hey everyone, i havnt been around in quite a while. ive been a little busy. ive got a moment, so here i am. good news is we'll be heading home soonish (obviously cant say when) but expect to hear more from me when i do. take care
  5. Greencuke

    greetings from bagdad

    hey everyone havnt been on in a while and just wanted to say im still here. we're over the hump and am expecting to come home inside of 5 months reggie
  6. Greencuke

    electric barkertop?

    i just saw on Trucks and looked it up online. Barker developed an electric convertiable top for the TJ. has anyone seen this before? it looks pretty badass, w/ the exception of the price. check this out
  7. Greencuke

    greetings from Iraq

    hey everyone, i havnt been around much latley, been kinda busy. i think the last time i signed in i was either just leaving, or just arriving, at Ft hood. well, i was there for all of about 5 min and traded in my BDUs for some high speed desert like gear and here i am. been driving around the...
  8. Greencuke

    rock guards for hellas?

    so those who remember weeks back when my hella light covers were stolen (im still a little mad). so i thought about ordering some more from ebay, cause i kinda like the way they look. the thing is they're full covers so id have to take them off every time i wanna use them, which basicly makes...
  9. Greencuke

    I made it!

    Well, im here, to be fair, ive been here for a week, but getting online has been a different story. Took me just under 3 days to drive here. By western PA it was pretty straight and once i crossed the mississippi i think i could have shot a lazer beam right to the base. Im assigined to an MP co...
  10. Greencuke

    road trip to FT Hood

    Well, after several orders changes, i will be finally starting my cross country move to Killeen TX. Ill be spending the day in NYC tomrrow and then continuing on w/ my drive. The highway tour will bring me through MA, CT, NY, NJ, PA, MD, WV, VA, TN, AR, and finally TX. If i end up in one of them...
  11. Greencuke

    who steals a light cover?

    so i just finally got my hella 500s hooked up and wired and the works last night. this afternoon i come out of applebees for lunch, and my jeep's winking at me. thats right, some jerk decided he really needed one of my covers. now, im upset, cause one of the reasons i chose those lights is i...
  12. Greencuke

    my drunken roomate and his lazer

    ok, a few months ago my roomate was a little slow on regestering his car and he got pulled over for an expiried tag. Unfortunatly he also had forgotten his license, and as a result had his car towed and a ticket issued. a few nights ago after a slightly rowdy night out w/ the boys, he was...
  13. Greencuke

    door light disconnect

    keeping w/ the trend of enjoying the weather, i stripped down the tj and went on a day long mission of un-impounding my roomates lazer (long story, see "my drunken roomate and his lazer" post) and in doing so, i found i could not figure out to disconnect the wiring for the door lights. my tj...
  14. Greencuke

    losing window battle

    ok, after a runaround, ive decideed to take the hit and replace my window myself. problem is, i can only find soft window sets. does anyone know of somewhere i can get just the rear window? reggie
  15. Greencuke

    windows covered?

    background story: bout a month ago we were having a wicked cold spell, and the temp was right around 7* this piticular evening. I fiddeling around w/ a cargo load in the back of my jeep, so i unziped the rear window a bit and lifted it up. It was so cold that at the corner where the window was...
  16. Greencuke

    ft hood?

    i just got assigned to FT hood, ill be reporting the end of april. anyone from that area? reggie
  17. Greencuke

    random jeep rescue

    today was a nice day so i was just driving around enjoying the jeep when i happened by a spot i used to wheel a lot. i figured what the heck and i went to check it out. i drove around a few trails and started following a set of tracks that looked pretty fresh. they kept going farther and farther...
  18. Greencuke

    hurculiner project

    weathers been looking nice and im consiering starting the hurculiner project on the TJ. has anyone done this project (or some other brand of such) whom as advice? what is best to plug the holes w/o screwing up the threads for the seats and all? reggie
  19. Greencuke

    random question about dating

    now, im sure everyones heard once or twice about a girl (or guy, im not sexest ladies) being "out of their league". now, ive always been a firm believer that this is not the case. Im no Zack Morris, (or, say, james dean for u older folk?) but women dont usually run away screaming when i ask them...
  20. Greencuke

    wicked cool quadratec story

    so a few years ago i bought my Yj a set of bestop super doors. I ordered 'em up and they came in the thursday before easter (i remember the date because its important to the story). Well i was all excited cause the weather was warm and i set out to put em on. i put them together and put em on...