01 Cherokee Sport Leak, Need Help Identifying Part


New member
I've never had any problems before this leak started. I just need the name of this part so I can replace it. Thank you for your help.


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Think that is an AC line. It is a connection point to the evaporator. There may be a bad seal?


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Ok, I really did find my leak this time, I'm watching it drip right out of the connection. What is the name of this part, and is it a pressure fitting, does the entire metal and rubber tubes/hosing come off as one piece, or do you disconnect the rubber with the metal ends from the metal tubing?
AC is something a professional should do. The system id pressurized and gas could really harm you if inhaled.

Does your air conditioning work properly?
Are you overheating?

That looks like the AC connection from the evaporator
Top left of diagram

Un connected looks like this:

It shouldn’t get frosted here but may depending on system and conditions.

This is near the radiator cap and perhaps it is wet from coolant. Do you gave an overheating issue? Always filling the radiator?

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