'07 Rubicon rear diff wont lock


New member
Hi. Recently I put front and rear ARB differential covers on my '07 Rubicon Unlimited. I'm not gonna swear to it, but I THOUGHT that I had used the lockers since I installed the covers, and had no problems, but at any rate, today I went playing around, and when I engaged the lockers, the light for the rear wouldn't quit flashing. The front would lock up fine, light stay solid, and I know it was locked, I could barely turn, but the rear never quit flashing. The owners manual says the light will flash until the lockers are completely locked or unlocked. I turned them both off, and then tried the rear several different times, and the light never quit flashing. Of course, I had everything as it should be to use the lockers, 4 low, under 10 MPH, etc...etc... ARB's site says that their covers do not affect the action of the lockers, so it's possible that the covers are not the problem, but who knows? Anybody else had any problems/experience with one of the lockers not engaging on their JK, or have any ideas or suggestions? Thanks.

Cover would have have nothing to do with the locker not engaging. some other issue is the fault, I do not know enough about JK rubicon axles. I'd head to the dealer. did you check all teh connections maybe, is everything plugged in as it should?