1989 yj new exhaust problem


New member
I had a new exhaust put on my 89 yj from the manifold back. Took out the cat converter and now I feel like I have lost a ton of power in my top end especially 5th gear? Could be something with the vacume lines from the two air intake lines from the cat? Any suggestion would help.

I know taking the cat converter off can affect performance. The engine needs the info the cat offers. But atleast thats the case with newer vehicles
Is that just through the o2 sensors? I don't think the older carbureted motors use any info off the exhaust but I am not positive

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The 89 wrangler adjusts the carburator with the information it gets from vacuum lines and sending units. You need to either reinstall the lines and sending units or get rid of that P.O.S. carburator. I recomend the second. Weber makes a good replacement. Others may suggest their favorite brands.

I took the two lines that were connected to the valves on the exhaust lines and ran them into the vacuum line off the carbeurator and it is running pretty good now.

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The 87-90 4.2 Yj's utilize 2 sensors to control fuel flow on the (yes POS carter carb). The o2 sensor and the temp sensor located on the intake just in front of the carb . I have replaced both due to problems with my 87.Living in Calif limits what we can do here.
I just finished a complete reconditionin and paint and am now thinking of selling it and going TJ.


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That is what I would like to do. I live in Wyoming and we have no emission laws. I'm just not sure what I can remove and still have it run correctly. I have been thinking of trying to put on a manual choke cable, any ideas?

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That is what I would like to do. I live in Wyoming and we have no emission laws. I'm just not sure what I can remove and still have it run correctly. I have been thinking of trying to put on a manual choke cable, any ideas?

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just go to the following web adress and it has a couple of pictures that will help with the wiring and stuff, it seems like alot but its not very difficult good luck
The "Nutter" Bypass