1993 Transfer Case Help


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Hello all, I am new to the forum and am in need of some major help. I own a 93 grand chreokee larado V6. the car started making loud clicking noises which led me to believe CV joints or something. Well it turns out the transfer case is bone dry! I have been told I need to replace it. Now I am wondering where I need to go to get a new one, is is possible to just fill it or is it already damaged? I am a Muatang guy abd hvae done all sorts of work on those. I have no idea howver about 4x4 stuff. Is this soemthign that can be done at home, i have all the tools u could need and am not afriad to work on cars by any means. Please let me know if you know what i shoudl do. Anyone have a transfer case they want to sell? I think i need the NP249J but am not sure

RE: Do you need a Cherokee Transition?

first thing I would do is fill it up with some Transfer case fluid and see if it "fixes" itself. This is the cheapest option.
I believe it just takes auto trans fluid, not 100% sure...
RE: Re: RE: Dodge sneek peek Electric swaybar Disco

Check www.car-part.com for transfer cases in your area. You can also consider a 231 or 242 swap if you're wanting a 2wd option and a more reliable transfer case.
what do you mean a more reliable 2wd option? this is just an everyday driver, i don't need anythign fancy, anything that will work im game to get. what would u suggest?

The 2wd transfer cases don't have the viscous coupling that the 249 does, making them more reliable. They tend to be easier and parts and fuel mileage.

But for what you're wanting, I'd just go for a straight bolt-in replacement. Did you check the link I provided?

You can use Automatic Transmission Fluid in most transfer cases. As Beretta said, It is probably worth a shot to fill it up first and see how it does before spending money on a new T-case....

-Nick :!:
RE: Sticky about Jeepz Etiquette, and Jeepz attitude.

i found a guy locally that had one that Im going to pick up for 175.00 :) Figure ill spend a little bit now and not have to worry about i being damaged because it was dry. thanks for all the hlep fella's