I recently purchased a Mopar/Jeep custom-fit bug guard for my 2002 Liberty. The Mopar directions are very simplistic- pictoral only, no words or measurements. I installed the bug guard per the instructions, but the hood wouldn't close properly. I called Jeep to find out if there was a Tech Support number I could call, but they said one doesn't exist. I anyone has installed one of these (it is the one listed in the Jeep Liberty Accessory catalog; fits around the headlights) and has any tips/secrets on how to make it fit properly I would be most appreciative.
I recently purchased a Mopar/Jeep custom-fit bug guard for my 2002 Liberty. The Mopar directions are very simplistic- pictoral only, no words or measurements. I installed the bug guard per the instructions, but the hood wouldn't close properly. I called Jeep to find out if there was a Tech Support number I could call, but they said one doesn't exist. I anyone has installed one of these (it is the one listed in the Jeep Liberty Accessory catalog; fits around the headlights) and has any tips/secrets on how to make it fit properly I would be most appreciative.