231 t case chain


New member
Hello all,
I'm replacing my transfer case chain. I have never done this before but I was wondering if u guys could give me a bit of insight. I would appreciate it because this is the last thing I need to do to get my jeep on the road.
But anyways here it goes. I heard that you can replace the chain with out having to take it out. Would it be better to take it out and do it that way. And if u could also let me know about some things I should look for or watch out for. Just tips and tricks would be appreciated. If you would

You can do it easily with the transfer case in the jeep.

A few of the tools you will need are lock ring pliers, sometimes called split-ring pliers, they have flat knurled ends similar to a duck bill in order to spread the large lockings enough to slip off the mainshaft. Also make sure you have a 10mm 12pt socket for the one bolt out of about 8 or 9 that hold the rear case half to the front. You'll need a 1 1/8" socket to remove the front yoke.