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Just would like to pass this on to all who's vehicle uses the I6 engine ; just did an oil change and was time for a new o-ring seal from oil filter sending unit to block . Upon removal , I checked the inner two o-rings and found the center ring was somewhat thin and loose . After changing all three and reinstalling , I immediately noticed better oil pressure and of course smoother running as well . Will this is maintenance as usual , I am surprised at how many jeep owners either neglect or are unaware of the other two o-rings that are vital to not only leaks , but adequate pressure as well . I would think the lot of us know this but thought I would pass this on as a reminder as our rigs life depends on it and would not like it to become an over site ! If the center o-ring (smallest) is not sealing well , oil will just by-pass under pressure and not reach adequate pressure not allowing proper lubrication to the entire engine ! Let us preserve our engines life by tending to this simple procurement and our jeeps will thank us and we will be so very thankful ourselves in the long run . Hope this helps .