4 x 4 problem


New member

You guys have helped me quite a few times and I'm very thankful. I have a '97 TJ 2.5L. Here's my problem... When shifting into 4-wheel high, I hear a grinding noise and clunking. It will not lock in. I have no problem at all with 4-wheel low, it works great. I live in the Poconos, Pennsylvania and the snow is deep this year. I need some serious help. My Jeep is my everyday driver and I commute an hour through the mountains to work each day. I'm concerned with taking it somewhere and getting raped for big bucks. Any clue guys? Anything to go on would be a great help. Thanks so much.


Sounds like the transfer case linkage needs adjusted, so it fully engages 4hi. Have you done any mods like a body lift? This will often cause it.[addsig]

what about suspension lift? shortly after i threw on a 4" with a 1.5" lowering t-case kit, it became very difficult to get it out of 4 hi, and would occasionally grind on the way out[addsig]


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>Any idea's what i should be looking for?</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

Transfer case linkage

I am able to "slow roll" it into 4 high. Is this safe to do? Once it's locked in, it should be ok till i take it out corrct?

a slow roll is just fine... and you can engage 4 on the fly at speeds of up to around 50 mph... i prefer not to do this though.... because if something DOES go wrong... its gonna go that much wronger[addsig]


Have you done any real hard off-roadin work on the transfer case? Since its a '97 I would hope that it isn't a bad transfer case being that young of a Jeep. Since 4LO works fine I am going to lean towards the fact that there is something wrong with the transfer case. I would either take it apart yourself and see if you can see something obvious or take it to someone you trust that won't take you to the cleaner. [addsig]

the slow roll into 4 wheel drive is all i can do to get in in 4 wheel drive and so far it has seemed pretty safe and i have had no problems with it[addsig]