New member
Went on my 2nd big 4x4 off road trip this weekend. Went to the mountains near Shaver Lake Calif, elevation 8000ft. It's nearly all granite hillsides, boulders, layered slabs (serious rock). Wow, beautiful country, bluest sky's, pines and good people... wow! :shock: Did I say wow :shock:? Well, It's been awhile since this flatlander has hit the mountains, too long (dare I saw wow again!) Did a lot of pretty serious wheeling. Got to really work the ole wrangler rubicon out and see what it can do. The 4-1 transfer case (low gearing) and the lockers really kept things safe & sane. In a few really rough area's I had to do a couple drive-arounds due to not having a lift (yet). Awesome time and the Jeep came back intact. My hats off to one of the 4x4 clubs (The Trail Busters) who took the wife and I under the wing, and under who's watchfull eyes kept our trip safe, enjoyable and one will "forever" remember! On the 1st run my wife was pretty freaked out. White knuckles on the factory oh shiz (dash) grab handle, but after about an hour she calmed down and really started enjoying it. So much so that she voluntarily deceided to go on the night run 8)! Also did the raffle and won some much needed goodies: High lift jack, c02 air tank, tools Etc. This event was really incredible for her & I. It was a great experience, and it has even opened her eyes as to how benifical some addl mods would be