62mm throttle body for '91+ 2.5L and 4.0L jeeps


Super Moderator
I've got a 62mm performance throttle body for sale on Ebay, 7mm larger than the stock 4.0L throttle body. Item #110209591673 . Increase power, throttle response, and mileage (if you can keep your foot out of it).
so are you modifying these?

if you are...where are you getting the larger throttle blade? i have access to a machine shop, and have thought about machining out my TB. would like to have a professional blade though, wuold save time.
I've got a few more 62mm TB's and spacers if anybody is interested. I've also got a spare 62mm throttle plate and matching throttle shaft if anybody is interested in boring their own TB. Best method to contact me is email, bountyhunter AT sija.org . Thanks.