79 cj7 oil guage

Aaron S

New member
Does any one know what would make my oil pressure gauge jump straight to 80 psi from 0? At idle 0 then just above idle 80. i have replaced the gauge twice,new sending.I'm sure the engine does not have 80psi. let a lone at 64,000 miles. it acts like a volt meter when you touch the leads to gather to test for cont. on then off. The needle was broke on the old gauge,so that is what started the mess.
I had a similiar problem with my current CJ7 and lived with it for a while just assuming it was the sending unit. However, I just installed/upgraded to an electric fuel pump and decieded to "clean-up" the messy wiring under the hood from years of the PO's hack job upgrades.

Getting back to your problems, I found that one of the wires for my oil psi gauge had worn off the plastic (PVDF) shielding inside the wire conduit (plastic tubing for the harness itself). It was just chance that I found that.....Something to consider????
I've seen many, many detractors of mechanical oil pressure gauges but in this regard they are normally 100% accurate without the electrical anomolies that can plague Jeeps, especially grounds.