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stepside pictures by carnuck - Photobucket
360/T18/NP208 with usual Model 20 and D44. 33/9.50/15 tires on whitespokes
I bought it a couple years ago and I collected parts from my other trucks to fix it, but a recent torn rotator cuff has left me in a situation where I'm getting rid of all my projects except Black Jack because I will be out of action, possibly for a few years and I'm already unemployed. (my wife hurt her finger 2 weeks ago and will have to take time off work for surgery too)
Truck is not in my name but I have the title. I tried to transfer to my name, but WA state requires original paperwork from the lawyer that handled the estate and I didn't get around to it.
Townside shortbox bed with tailgate and tail lights (I was going to put it on temporarily until I fixed the bed) Spare rear axle (pass side axle shaft was damaged when I got it and was too bad to put a new seal on).
Spare doors for replacement/parts
Spare fenders from my '77 or '82 J10 parts rigs (I forget which but they are in the box and ready to go)
I have an okay condition chrome rear bumper for it too.
What I know about it:
Truck sat for about 7 years. Fuel tank needs cleaning (I assume. I never used it and ran off a gas can)
Motor direly needs a tuneup. I think the AIR pump is seizing, but I have the one from my Eagle that can go with.
Door panels are shot and driver's side power window doesn't work.
It's an Alaska truck originally so there is some rust.
The rear frame crossbar is bent from it being pulled out of the ditch by the PO (wheel bearing let go and did the rear fender damage)
Insulation not included.
I plan to have a "yard sale" soon and list all the stuff I won't be able to drag away with me as our cabin will have to go for sale by the end of Sept and I have to get other stuff done to it before listing for $150K.
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