'84 CJ-7 Transmission


New member

I am thinking about buying an '84 CJ-7. I have been told it is stuck in third gear. It is a V8 360, 4speed which I understand cannot be the original engine nor transmission, but do not know for sure.

How large of a headache does this pose? Can it be fixed without too much expense. Has this happened to anyone else?


A 360 is definately not the original engine... but the transmission is something that you're going to have to call into question. Its kind of impossible to know for sure how much of a headache this will pose without knowing what kind of transmission it is.

Being the pessimist that I am, I like to assume the worst... in this case, the worst would mean that someone dropped a 360 into this CJ without any concern as to how the rest of the drivetrain would hold up against the torque of a V8. If that's the case, you've got a 360 mated to either a t-4 or a t-176 four speed... which is more or less asking for trouble.

Your best bet is probably going to involve replacing this transmission with something more apt to handle the power of a 360. Which is unfortunately going to mean $$$.

Good Luck,
85 CJ