94 Jeep Cherokee Issues - Need help


New member
Hey people
Okay - I'm going to cut to the chase and explain the issues easily - I have a 94 Jeep Cherokee straight 6, standard transmission. It was running okay until about a month ago - it has almost 148,000 miles on it. All of a sudden, one day while driving it, it suddenly kept jerking while in gear, and the check engine light came on - ever since then, it only happens when it feels like it - but when I am out driving, the Jeep will jerk in any gear and the check engine light suddenly comes on - upon stopping and turning off the ignition, the check engine light goes off, and it either behaves, or the same thing happens again. The other thing I have noticed is it will lose all power going up hills - to the point I am in 2nd gear, doing 55mph just to get up a hill without it shaking violently and having NO power to get up it. Are these two things related? If they are, what is going on?! If they arent, any ideas on what either issue is being caused by? I know what I thought it may be, but I want other peoples untainted opinions on this - its become a serious issue - esp. when I have 2 kids - one is 6 and one is only 2 and a half months - in the Jeep. Thanks so much everyone!

Crankshaft position sensor maybe? Does it feel like a jerking in the transmission or like the engine is missing really bad and causing it to jerk?
Crankshaft position sensor maybe? Does it feel like a jerking in the transmission or like the engine is missing really bad and causing it to jerk?

I am not sure - it is like suddenly there is no gas getting to it, and it jerks one, two, even three times, until I downshift or turn it on and off again. You see, it is a crapshoot, because sometimes it does it, sometimes it doesn't - sometimes turning it on and off keeps it from happening again, other times it doesn't. Sometimes it only does it in 4th and 5th and other times it does it in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th - and when I say jerk - I mean ALOT and very strong - then there is the issue of the Jeep not having enough power to get up hills - I mean, I am in 2nd gear doing 55mph while it is shaking violently, and losing all power. But either way, it is doing this, and I need some peoples input - so thanks for giving me your thoughts on it - I appreciate it ALOT! Any other advice on the issue, I am open to any and all suggestions.
That may be the CPS.
When it doesn't work as it should it can make many kinds of problems.
I would start with that.

Ya i'd try replacing the crankshaft position sensor, its only like $60 and easy to replace. If it doesn't work you can always return it to advance auto.