New member
This an update on my clutch cylinder kit replacement. I finally received the part from Morris 4X4. Things take a little longer in Mexico. Anyway I had ordered the kit for my 95 YJ but when it got here I found the mounting plate on the master cylinder was completely different than the old one. Fortunately there is a small plastic retainer you can remove then twist the mounting plate to unlock it from the cylinder and remove. Repeat the procedure with the old plate and re-install on the new master cylinder and presto chango you are in business. One piece of advise I got from this forum which is extremely important is the clipping off of the plastic ties that hold the slave piston rod in alignment. DO NOT clip these ties before installing the slave. If you clip these ties before installation of the slave, you cannot get the rod to align itself inside the bell housing and the first time you push down on the clutch pedal the rod can fall off into the bell housing. Big problem. The first time you push on the pedal these ties simply brake off.
Cheers, Don
Cheers, Don