95 ZJ Drive Shafts Lenght


New member
Hay guys. I just put a 4 inch rough country lift on my 95 zj. After i put the lift on i noticed that i have a very low vibration that i didn’t have before. I got under the jeep to find that the front driveshaft had pulled from the t case about an inch. What I’m wondering is if there is any way without spending another couple hundred dollars to fix this. We’re going to Drummond Island in April and i would like to not worry about something breaking on the over 5 hour drive up there.
Thanks for the help

Do you have fulltime 4wd or parttime? Do you know what kind of joint you have on the front driveshaft at the transfer case end?

If it's a true CV joint, I believe they make a spacer to fit between the transfer case flange and the CV joint. If it's a double cardan type joint you will need to have the driveshaft lengthened.
I've lifted 3 ZJs and only had a problem with one. It had a CV on the axle end, all had a u-joint yoke on the t-case, and I swapped the CV yoke on the axle to the u-joint type and used a stock drive shaft. We have almost 8" on my buddies 94 ZJ and he runs the stock front drive shaft.
In the picture i have the top driveshaft. I did take this picture off Google and the shaft isn’t mine so i just grabbed it for show. If you look at the other picture you just see the front of my driveshaft.


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