'96 Cherokee running problem


New member
First off I want to thank XJNick for the invite here.
Now on to my problem.

I have a '96 Cherokee with the 4.0 and automatic.
It has a 130,000 on the clock and I must say it runs well when it runs right.

Here is the problem and what I have done so far to correct it.

It is used ever day on a 90 mile stop and go run.
After about 80 mile or so, give or take a few miles, it will start to falter to the point of a surge and it does it more when going uphill.

I have changed the pump, filter, plugs, wires, cap, rotor, dist. CPS, TPS, new cat, 02 sensors.

It never has shown a code till this morning and it showed up a #43.
I know this has to do with the coil in some way so I am going to change it today.

Now another interesting aspeck to this, is when it does falter, I can turn it off and start it right back and it will run like the day it was new for about 20 minutes or so and then right back again.
So I am thinking maybe coil is breaking down and causing this and that is why I am going to change it out.

Any more ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Lester


Welcome to Jeepz.com! Glad to see ya made it :mrgreen:
Hopefully someone can provide you with more ideas to a possible fix...

-Nick :!:
I would swap the coil... You said that you are going to do that. Let us know if the problem continues and we can dig a little deeper. As Nick said welcome!
I did the coil swap and went out and drove it for about an hour with no problems.
On the way back I stopped and took off and crowded it quit a bit and it wanted to stumble again, but as soon as I let up on the gas and drove it normal, no problem. Just when I get on it heavy.
Now what?
Thanks again.

Well I think I may have found the problem and I feel pretty stupid about it too. :roll:
2 words, bad gas.
I have bought gas at the same place ever day since I have had it and today I got to thinking about the old days and how cars would run with bad gas in them and that is how my Jeep has been running so I stopped and got gas at another place and dumped in 2 bottles of dri-gas and ran it on my 6 hour run and it ran like a champ.
Still a touch of hesitation but I figure still has some of the bad gas in the system.
I will know more tomorrow but for now I think I have found the major problem anyway.
um some questions over here

It's always the simple things that come back to bite you. :roll: I've had the same sort of thing happen to me.

Glad to hear you got it running good, just think of how good it will perform with new parts :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
Steering Stabelizer for an SOA?

Have since found out my Jeep has a '97 model engine from the factory in it as is why it is called a change over model.
Went to get MAP sensor for it, got home and said, "huh", this don't look like mine, sure enough, it was for a '96 model, so I called the dealer, gave them my VIN number and they said it should have been a '97 model Jeep, not a '96.
Oh well.

BTW, ran it this morning and it ran like a champ. Not the first falter.
Stopped and filled her up with some more hi-test and she ran great.
Man I'm glad I remembered the old cars.
Thanks everyone.

Hey Bear...you said hi- test...you just showed your age bro. I bet most of the yungin's on here have NO clue what hi-test is. Snicker..snicker...I bet they don't what the sound of a phone "ringing" is like either.

hey grizzlybear... i'm needing to change my ignition coil to, and bought a new one the other day to put in. unfortunately i didn't have time to install it before i left for college. now that i'm here, i'd still like to do it and i have the tools and all... its just that its so daggone hard to reach the 2 bolts that hold it in! did you take any components out to make it easier to get get to it (like the distributor cap or anything?). thanks