99 Cherokee Sport grinding sound from front end


New member
I just bought a used 99 Jeep Cherokee Sport. 4x4 145k mileage. There is a noise coming from the front-end driver's side. It sounds like something that is rotating is grinding. It almost sounds like when a brake pad is wore down and grinding the rotor, but I don't think it is that because when the brakes are applied the noise continues. Recently I was on the hwy and going about 70mph when I hit a rough patch, the steering wheel violently wabbled almost making me lose complete control of the vehicle. I pulled over and came to a stop. It resumed to normal afterwards but the noise seemed louder. Any ideas? Could it be something to do with differential? drive train? axel? I am new to the Jeeps. Any suggestions would be great:-)

The grinding noise sounds like brakes, I'd pull the caliper off and inspect the rotor and pads.

As for the violent shake, search this forum and the web for 'death wobble' and you will find a gazillion recommendations on what to look for.
sound like bad unit bearing based upon your description. brake noise will change with application of brakes. bearing noise is usually constant while vehichle is in motion.