A jeep pledge


New member

Hey guys....

So once again the American public will be indulging themselfs with alcohol tonight.

I propose a jeepz.com pledge.

I pledge that I will not get into my Beloved Jeep and drive after I've been drinking tonight. (or any other vehicle for that matter)

Lets show everyone how responsible us Jeep owners can be.

And to those that may have to serve the public tonight, Good on you and Thank You for giving us the freedom to ring in a new year safely.[addsig]


Well said!!! I pledge not to drink and drive to night or any other that was easy I have not had a drink in many years! I also pledge to go and get any of the people I know that will just call me and ask! Tug[addsig]

om the same note, since i will not be drinking, feel free to call me if any of ya need a ride (might be a long ride, but for u guys, anything) 8854547


I completely agree! Last year when I worked New Year's Eve, I saw TOO MANY accidents involving alcohol and drugs. It can be avoided...use common sense and let your (sober) friend drive you home. Makes little sense to party in the new year if you won't be around to enjoy it!! Take care everyone, Patti [addsig]


just checking in. 1:17am jan 1, 2003 (6 months till graduation) and im in for the night, and safe. hope to see everyone made it


I'm still at home...didn't go anywhere tonight just busted out a bottle of the bubbly (and some other stuff) for myself hehe. Jeep is still broke but hopefully my transmission will be in sometime next week. (wow I can't believe I actually was able to type all that )

i will plege not to drink and drive or let others drink and drive around me.


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>Dont follw me , you wont make it. </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>[addsig]