Adjustable Trackbar

Dean Kolb

New member
When installing an adjustable Trackbar, how do you know the measurement it should be with a 6" lift. For the front and rear of an 2006 Jeep Wrangler TJ?

The purpose of the trackbar both front and rear is to position the axles correctly under the Jeep. What you'll want to do is get your axles centered under the Jeep, then adjust the trackbar to that length.

The easiest way to do this is to have your jeep on the ground, and install the new adjustable trackbar on one end (the frame end), and leave the axle end unhooked. The look at how far each tire is sticking out past the fender flare, like this:

If you need to move the axle one way or the other, you may be able to turn the steering wheel back and forth and "walk" the axle over. If not, you may need to use a comealong (I did this, and it was a pain), or jack it up, push the axle over, and lower the jeep again.

Anyway, once you get the axle centered, you adjust your trackbar to that length and install it.

All this to say that there is no set length for a trackbar on a 6" lifted Jeep. All Jeeps and lift kits sit differently, and will settle over time. You just need a bar made for a Jeep with 4-6 inches of lift.