New Jeep Girl
New member
I am by far the luckiest girl in the world because my boyfriend just bought me a jeep. It has a hard top and of course the first week it hits 70 we take it off (a little heavier then everyone made it out to be), and of course while I am at a party the skys open up and it pours. :?| I had the bikini top on, and I dont mind that I got wet, hell its half the fun of owning one, I am just a little worried that the smell will come. What should I do now? I opened the drain plugs and have done my best to get most the water out but the sky is cloudy and the is no sun to help. What is the best carpet cleaner to use? Is there something i should put on the carpets to kill the mildew? I would hate to take out the carpets for the summer.
Oh yeah I wanted to ask if anyone knows where i can custom order cloth tire covers. I happen to be a Star Wars fan and I really want to try and get one made with a Stormtrooper on it. Yes I know, I am a nerd, but you gotta love it!
Oh yeah I wanted to ask if anyone knows where i can custom order cloth tire covers. I happen to be a Star Wars fan and I really want to try and get one made with a Stormtrooper on it. Yes I know, I am a nerd, but you gotta love it!