Another PNW jeeper saying Hi.


New member
I love getting outdoors in the jeep. Now I just need some local wheeling buddies who want to get together and go. Hit me up. From Portland to woodland, Im game.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. 76 cj7, AMC 360, edlebrock intake, truck avenger carb, fenderwell exit headers, 4" springs, 2" shackles, 35" tires, 8000lb winch.
there are a few of use. summer's here and not alot of time for wheeln for me. there are some events up a browns camp.(jolly jeeps, this wknd--cruise the wood, sept) holloween poker run, oct) plus remember there are no "legal" places to wheel in sw wa.
Yeah, no "legal" place to wheel. I found that out the first and only time I went out since getting the new motor in. $150 bucks later. Oh well, live and learn. Guess that is what I get for going out with 2 chevys, both of which broke down that day. I figured I would break something in the jeep before they did, oh how wrong I was. lol. A run to Browns camp is in the very near future.

Looking for offroaders? There was a party last night at Jackson's Pass by the quarry as there is every Friday and Saturday night. We wheeled till 0200. You can find a few hanging down at Lower River Rd every night. Two nights ago, we were on Spud Mtn in clay pits. The oldest jeep club in Washington is here in Vancouver. Plenty to do in our backyard. Last week, a few jeeps went searching for the Copper Creek Mine and found some old mine roads from the turn of the century, had to chainsaw our way in spots, several major washouts and some tricky stream crossings. Had half the woods in my jeep as I had the top down.
Hey Rich, the next time you go out for a drive let me know. I want to get out there and see what the limits are of the jeep. I dont have lockers so I would prefer to go out with people who are willing to show the way.
I am going up Friday afternoon till after midnight. Saturday, there is a chance that I will be going to the mountains also. But you'll have to get in touch with me before then. PM me with your number.

Well, we all met on Larch Mtn Friday and wheeled till 0200. Various guys heard I was going up so we were joined by many. Jeep's now covered in clay.Finished at Three Corner Rock.There were two crews of offroaders up there. One group doing Mabry Mines area, another doing Jones Creek.We had a few water crossings that were deep. Most of the wheeling was done at night.
cool party8)


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I wish I could have gone. I just had way to much to do this weekend. Im trying to get a mustang svo running. Im going up this friday afternoon up to chelatchie priarie to go camping. I might do a little exploring up there. I know I can get around the massive hill slide.

I'd like to hear more about this massive slide.....sounds like it was made for a jeep.
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If you go out 503 to the chelatchie prairie store and hang a right on chelatchie rd you will end up going across a one lane bridge. about 3 miles-ish past the bridge the whole side of the hill came down over the winter.washed out about 200 feet of the rd. For those dairing enough you can go right off the side of the rd and drive down to the rivers edge and then come back up the other side. Only problem is sometimes idiots park right at the entrance to the hill. So if there not there when you go across its cool, but if you come back the same way there may be someone parked right at the top of the hill. And you need a little bit of speed to make the top of the hill, the dirt is really dry and powdery. We were out there 3 weeks ago and watched 2 rigs almost hit a guys perty suv. He thought it was funny to watch, instead of just going and moving his stupid rig. @$hole! My cj7 can cross the river there too if your into river fording. But theres nowhere to go on the other side. Except to camp over there.