Wrenching on my '93 2.5L YJ 5 speed with a vacuum shift axel, current project started out to r & r leaking axel seals. I've got the axel's pulled & working to get the dif' out but now have question about possible Axel Tube Seal upgrade. At end of axels before u-joint assembly there's a plastic ring that I suppose is the stock attempt @a tube seal... since I'd like to install greasable after market tube seals can I bust originals off or should I slide them down & off? It appears that at least the passenger side axel splines are too big to allow it to slide off which if true is a puzzler cause If those splines are as large as they appear how the heck will they slip through the desired upgraded Axel Tube Seals? Am I seeing a problem where there isn't one? Havn't miked anything just going buy eye on this one. Thanks for any insight you can give me.