Axle relocation plates


New member
I tried to take a pic and post it but didn't work. M.O.R.E offroad has offset spring plates that allow you to move your axle forward or back from 3/4 - 1" with no mods. I want to try them, and was wondering if anyone has ever used them or know of anyone that has, and if they worked ok. The problem I have is when I turn sharp to the right everything is fine, but turn sharp to the left and my front tire hits my exhaust header, even on the street. Its not a adjustment of the axle stops, but that the motor was put in a bit more to the drivers side than centered. Looking at it, it seems about an 1" would allow it to clear on or offroad.
Anyone know anything about these?? Thanks

Oh, forgot to mention. The narrowest they make are for 76-86 cj,s at 2.0" wide, my springs are 1 3/4" but since the they would be under the actual spring I think it would be fine.?????????
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You want to keep them the same width as the springs or the springs can twist within the Ubolts and cause problems. You can make your own with a tape measure, grinder, drill and a good drill bit. Just need to pick up the steel from the junk pile in a steel scrap yard.

I see what you are saying, and true.. I know they make some poor products for jeeps such as the way long extended shackles, they do more harm to your jeep than good. I was just wondering if this was one of those products that wasn't so good to do, I think I will go ahead and make my own, shouldn't be very tough. I really think this will give me enough room to not rub my front tires anymore, so im a bit excited. I really haven't gotten to take my jeep on a decent trail yet mainly because of the tire hitting the header when I turn and didn't want to break anything.
I run these from Ruff Stuff on my DD pick up. (I also swapped from 10 bolt to D60 so aftermatket stuff was needed) I did a shackle flip and it moved the axle foward about 1/2 inch so I moved the axle rearwards about 3/4 of an inch to re-center as best I could in the wheel well. No problems at all.

You can pull your rear axle, bolt the spring plate to the axle perch through the center pin hole and then mark out how far back you want to move the axle and simply re-drill the plate and perch. Start with a 1/8" bit and drill them together, then pull apart and drill out seperately. I think your CJ is a 3/8" center pin.

is it possible to drill centering pin hols in the current plates an inch up or down from the stock location, to achieve the same affect?
Yes, that is what I was trying to describe. you will also have to re-drill the axle perches to match if they already are not drilled. I'l look for a pic.
I can't get the pics to post,

Check out this site
Axle Swap Combo
you will see in teh pics the perches and plates with several holes, those different holes allow for forward and rearward movement of the axle. If you have the stock perches, you might need to cut them off as they are cast and do not have provisions to be re-drilled'

Another and slightly more PITA method is to re-drill the leafsprings. I ran the front leafs in my jeep wth a 1.25" stretch simply by re-drilling the center pin in teh main and second leaf.

Thanks, I am swaping axles soon due to stripping the pinion teeth on the rear, so i'll have it all apart soon and am going to address the turning issue at the same time. This gives me a couple ways to go, Thanks again.
I got to thinking and am wondering, if I redrill the spring plate centering hole wont that throw the ubolt holes off? I think I may be over looking something?
I think your over thinking this.

If you re-drill the springs, you will need to remove the old center pin, and simply move everything to the new center pin. That said,

Drilling spring steel sucks.

You'll go through several drill bits.

Thanks, I think I was over thinking it too. I couldn't wrap round my head how I was going to move the axle an inch and not have to redrill ubolt holes, I got it now. I think I am going to drill the spring plate and spring perch on the axle instead of drilling the actual springs, . This is going to happen!! It will be shortly after Christmas and I will let everyone know how it go,s. Thanks again.