battery problem mess/ alternator problem?


New member
every morning my jeep was sounding like it was hurting to start, the lights would flicker but it would eventually start. after about a week of this it died altogether and i bought a new battery. it started fine but the next morning i went to go start it and the lights would come on but very very dim and it showed no signs of even wanting to turn over. so would this mean i need a new alternator? could my battery have been drained within a 5 minute drive of replacing it? thanks in advance, also the 2 bolts that secure the positive and negative one was striped so i just had to tighten it the best i could by hand using a hammer to close it all the way

if u have installed somthing electronic in the past few months like a cb, radio, or other stuff make sure its not draining the batt.
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This old trick worked on pre 87 cars and trucks, but newer cars with a ECM unit (87-95 and especially 96+ with OBD II) can short out when the power is disrupted while the motor is running. Doing this can short out and kill your ECM causing damage in excess of 400$ for a new ECM.

Take your jeep down to a local auto parts Auto-zone, pep-boys ect ect and they can check your battery, starting system, and your charging system. This is a free service.

With weak clamping pressure on the terminal ends your get a poor enough connection to your battery that starting, and charging can not take place.
A replacement cable ends are 6.99$ from Auto-zone can save you from replacing a 100$+ battery because you didn't have full contact on battery terminals.

abe said:
Well u could always do the get it started then pull the batt positive cable off and c if it still is running. If not don't look at the batt ne more also if u have installed somthing electronic in the past few months like a cb, radio, or other stuff make sure its not draining the batt over night. The drive may not have been long enough to charge the batt back up. I hope this helps

Disregaurd ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^