New member
Shortly after getting my jeep put together and on the road I crossed a bridge towards the end of winter which was covered in ice. As soon as I got on the bridge I lost control and the jeep did a 360 and slamed into the concrete wall in the on coming traffic side of the bridge. I didnt hurt the body at all, but did bent the frame from the front crossmember forward on both sides. On my jeep, there isn;t the big plate between the rails on the front like the 76-86 cjs where you would mount a winch, its all open. There is a thick cross member just behind the grill, and from that xmember forward is where it is bent, its about a foot section. It is bent to the drivers side about a inch to a inch and a half. Ive checked around frame shops but dont have the extra cash now to fix it. I have had people tell me that I can do it myself at home and am about at the point where I can get to fixing it. I am looking for ideas as to how I can do this, any advise would help alot. I cant take pics right now but may be able to later, you probably couldnt tell it was bent in the pic anyway. I have no way of anchoring the frame down to anything in the garage. Here is a old pic I had stored on my computer showing from the grill forward, the xmember is just behind the grill.