Big things are coming


My buddy's father is scrapping his rotted out Chevrolet Suburban and I'm taking the guts and transplanting them into my YJ. What do you all think about a 350 and turbo 700 trans in a YJ (haven't climbed under to see what t case is in it)? Should I go all out and take the axles too? I know I would have to do some modification to them and they would be a lot wider than my current set up but the are bullet proof heavy axles.

What is yalls take on this swap?

Novak adapters can help you with Motor mounts to all sorts of questions answered about a 350/700r4 trans-plant
I've been all over Novak's website.

Its carbed but I was looking for (easier to work on).

Whats your take on the axles? should I snatch them or upgrade to a dana 44 down the road?