Bring Back The Jeep Wave


New member
Hello from Portland Oregon. It seems to me that people aren't as informed about the Jeep wave, I've been going to Jeep dealerships to try and get them to inform more people about the wonderful bond that all Jeeps carry. So please help me bring beck the Jeep wave and pass it along in your area.

As for me I'm new to the Jeep club. I am a proud and happy Jeep owner I take great care of my baby. Her name is Roxy and she has always taken me to where I need to be. I couldnt be any happier with my choice.

The bad is I have a 99 Jeep Wrangler with just over 63xxx and the transmission just took a crap on me. But I'm pretty sure she's just mad because i didn't get enough mud on her.

Well i hope anyone who's reading had a wonderful day!


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Hey welcome to the forum. The jeep wave may be dueling but I don't think it will ever disappear. People around me just shrug the wave off. At first I thought it was cause I drive a 4 door but I am finding no one knows what it is. I told my local dealer yesterday since I was there anyway.

Anyway welcome and I hope you luck
Welcome to Queentokietokie.

I live at the beach and almost everyone waves out here (well, probably 75% of the Wranglers I pass, and there are a ton of Wranglers). I think waving really varies based on where you live.

You just need a couple of people to start the wave in your area and it'll eventually catch on.

I'm in north jersey. I think about 75% of the people know about the wave. I find that not too many people with new jeeps know about the wave.
If I see you around Portland Metro I will be sure to wave!

I was just looking for the emoticon smiley wave. :scratch:

Closest I could get. Ha! :welcome:

Hope the Jeep is up and running. There is a meet and greet in Vancouver this Sunday.
Hit's hit or miss here in GA, seems the TJ/YJ crowd know and practice the wave, but it seems lost on the JK drivers! I've never had a wave from drivers of other models, beside an occasional Cherokee driver.

Keep waving at them. I used to see the same geo metro when I would drive to work on the back roads so I started waving. Eventually every morning they would wave back.


Who knows, maybe they drive a Jeep now.
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Welcome to the forum! I have to agree with you about the wave. I recently relocated to the Pacific Northwest from Maryland where the "Jeep Wave" is alive and well. I wave here and get about 10% of my waves back...and I wave at every Jeep I see. I even posted in the rants and raves on craigslist about it and got accuse of being a snob because of the car I drive. Seriously?