

New member
I would like to hear your opinions on the best looking bumpers for yj jeeps.. the one i have now is one i welded up, out of a basketball goal. so i am looking to get another one.. what do ya think?


Stock YJ cut down is what I like.
to frame wideth, rather invest money into something more important like a locker or tires.
I have a stinger bumper from fab four.. They don't make it for a YJ but you can still put two bolts in it.. I'm getting it welded to the frame to make it more solid. I like it. =]


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ya i would like 2 c the 1 u made. also if u welded thet 1 just take ur time n weld up a nicer 1 out of steel u buy or bargan 4 if u need it bent make friends with a shop(or sum1) that has a tube bender
my YJ has a nice rear bumper with a hidden compartment and a receiver hitch insert.. hope these pic's show propertly, plus I like the one on the front too..


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Id really like to see a picture of this basketball goal bumper too. It sounds pretty original.
Ok i think i did that right. maybe you guys can see it.. it not very original, the bottom two pipes are the basketball goal. the bend is off an old bumper i found in a jumk yard. i just cut it off with a torch and welded it on.. i would love to just make another one but can't seem to think of ways to make it more original. What do yall think of my first "project" i built for my jeep?


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of all the pictures i have seen i think i like Steelheadz bumper the best pretty sure it is a one off bumper that he built himself.my bumper is a cut down piece of 4 inch channel 1/4 inch thick looks similar to cut down stocker

Dude, for a home made bmuper, that sucker looks like one from a magazine! That's pretty damn good
That really is a pretty sweet looking bumper for being a basketball hoop post. Its got character. Id keep it if I where you

I was really hoping you had kept the backboard & maybe the hoop on it.;)
Seriously though your homemade bumper looks Great! It's kind of old school & you can't buy the pride of DYS. I'd keep it for sure!!!
This is my design, I took a 1x5x.1875 seamed square tubing and plasma cut it to 51 long then made two 30 degree angle cuts on the sides.
Using 1 inch wide sheet metal of the same thickness I flame bent two filler strips to fill in the cuts. To attach it to the jeep I used two 3x4 angle iron and welded it to the back. The "D" rings tab is 1x3 CRS that I machined into shape and cut openings into the front and back of the 1x5 then welded in and used the angle cut openings to further weld them in for added strength before I closed them up with the 1" strip. I added a 1/4 plate in the front to hold the license plate (Utah law) and tapped in 4 1/4-20 screw holes for it.

Its no very original but its darn solid. been backed into once and with only a new coat of herc it left 1300$ worth of damage on a sunbird.
I have dragged it several times on various trails with no damage except paint.


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This is my design, I took a 1x5x.1875 seamed square tubing and plasma cut it to 51 long then made two 30 degree angle cuts on the sides.
Using 1 inch wide sheet metal of the same thickness I flame bent two filler strips to fill in the cuts. To attach it to the jeep I used two 3x4 angle iron and welded it to the back. The "D" rings tab is 1x3 CRS that I machined into shape and cut openings into the front and back of the 1x5 then welded in and used the angle cut openings to further weld them in for added strength before I closed them up with the 1" strip. I added a 1/4 plate in the front to hold the license plate (Utah law) and tapped in 4 1/4-20 screw holes for it.

Its no very original but its darn solid. been backed into once and with only a new coat of herc it left 1300$ worth of damage on a sunbird.
I have dragged it several times on various trails with no damage except paint.

That looks really nice man!