Dan Fredrickson
New member
I just thought now was an opportune time to mention we have been making these for 7 years and the price is $16.50 each, I think thats what makes them our #2 item in total sales volume
We have actually sold 989 of these in the last 3 months...
They are pretty simple, 2" x .25" wall lathe cut DOM with Daystar Poly bushings and a DOM inner sleeve with a 9/16" ID. They are $3 less if you only need 1.75" tubing for a lighter shell. We make them in any size and stock 5 sizes but only the top 3 are on the site so we don't confuse too many people. The standard is 2 5/8" and the 2 oher choices are 2 3/4" & 3". We also stock the XJ & FJ60 3 3/16" size and lastly the 1 ton 3" spring size of 3 7/16"...
Bushed DOM Sleeve - RuffStuff Specialties

They are pretty simple, 2" x .25" wall lathe cut DOM with Daystar Poly bushings and a DOM inner sleeve with a 9/16" ID. They are $3 less if you only need 1.75" tubing for a lighter shell. We make them in any size and stock 5 sizes but only the top 3 are on the site so we don't confuse too many people. The standard is 2 5/8" and the 2 oher choices are 2 3/4" & 3". We also stock the XJ & FJ60 3 3/16" size and lastly the 1 ton 3" spring size of 3 7/16"...

Bushed DOM Sleeve - RuffStuff Specialties