Carb'd YJ


New member

I have a carberated YJ and had to put a new cat on to pass smog. So would doing "The Nutter by pass" help this run better? and if so will it pass smog next time? I don't want it to keep going rich and ruin this new cat.Also is there a shop that speializes in Jeeps that can do this for me? I don't have the extra cash to go Fuel injection.. any info will help.


Ii did the byzpass on mine and it made a huge difference. i have a weber carb though so it should do even better on yours. my yj is an 87 also
Being a Cal resident you'll likely be setting your own trap with the nutter... if you passed as a result of the cat change chances are that all is OK with the C.E.C. system. Keep it maintained.