chat for CJ only


New member

Could we have a message board for CJ's only apart from the YJ and TJ's. Their vehicles are so different from ours. We really don't need to hear dribble about what type of CD player to get, or questions on how to shut off the dome lite when you remove the doors on the new vehicle.

Currently the CJ, YJ, and TJ message board has over 10.000 posts. don't you think that is too much.

We would like our own board.

I dont think any question posted is without merit. So you are a new TJ owner and want to learn how to get the dome light to turn off when you take your doors off. How is that a bad questions. Or maybe you arent fluent with electronics and need help replacing your busted CD player in your YJ. I think this is the forum for all that. If questions come from some new jeep owner no matter how small or trivial they should have a place to be answered. Some people who are on this board really need to get off their high horse. Quit complaining

edited by: judge09, Mar 19, 2003 - 01:00 PM[addsig]

cant we all just get along? lol seriously maybe someday you might purchase a newer jeep. i like to read and hear about all sorts of problems. maybe someone i know will need that kind of help someday. never stop learning and can never know everything. just wish we did lol.[addsig]

Yeah I agree...and Terry, could we have a message board for Black Sahara TJ's with hard tops too lmao.......we're a family here, and any and all questions are valid. My suggestion to you, my friend, is to not read the questions reguarding TJ's and YJ's or find a CJ only board. I hope you stick around as we are all friends here and I'm sure your expertise will be apprecieated.

Rob 8-) :-)

edited by: PASmokeater, Mar 20, 2003 - 10:36 AM[addsig]

Here's a couple CJ-only boards you can check out...

JJournal - CJ Board

VMag - CJ Board

I do understand where you're coming from, probably looking for model specific info and whatnot, but the people on this particular board enjoy a free exchange of info reguardless of model.[addsig]


I don't think we need a CJ only chat. It's a good idea in theory but we don't have enough people with CJ's for it to work well. I personally like things the way they are.
My suggestion to you, my friend, is to not read the questions reguarding TJ's and YJ's or find a CJ only board.
I have used a few CJ only boards for some of my harder questions, that can only be answered by personal experiences but I still come back to Jeepz for all my Jeeping needs. :-D [addsig]

well, heck, I feel loved. One of his reasons to have his Own boards was MY POST.

:::I will go off alone and Pout now:::

edited by: L33TJ33P, Mar 21, 2003 - 09:11 PM[addsig]

L33TJ33P I am just glad you owned up to causeing all of the whoop laa here. I mean how can you ask such questions and cause so much trouble. I am going to go pout with you now. LMAO tug[addsig]


talk about lazy !!! i never scroll down this far !! even though i own a cj ....i enjoy hearing about other jeepers problems and questions { insert evil snicker }. to lisen to other gripes lets you know that your not going at it alone. i have ridden Harleys for close to 20 years now , owned my first JEEP almost 7 years ago, the thing that i find most in common is it does'nt matter the model , it is in the attitude. round or square, ridgid chop or softail , it's all in the heart.[addsig]

I think its fine right now but I do understand where the guy is coming from. JeepsUnlimited is a forum that especially makes me mad though. They have a CJ board, a wranger (YJ+TJ) board, and a rubicon!? board. It sucks because the wrangler board has tens of thousands of posts mainly from TJ owners (no offense rob) that want pics of (insert color here) jeep with (insert top type+color here) with (insert lift size here) on (insert tire size here). And asking questions like what kind of carpet cleaner to use, or what kind of protectant to use on the dash. Or "...does anyone have pics of a TJ with white guage inlays..". Or "what is your favorite stock jeep wheel?"

Don't mean to sound mean but a couple questions like that are fine here and there but when the board is so littered with stuff like that it just becomes gay. They had a poll for a YJ only board and I voted for it and it was created temporarily and the poll was very close. Unforunantly they axed the YJ board and they are now back in with the TJs.

It sucks to sort through 100 useless TJ only posts (suspensions and stuff TJ only) just to find one post related to YJ stuff. I can see a YJ and CJ board being combined because I think the YJ is more closely related to the CJ than the TJ. The TJ was a straight from scratch design that is different from the YJ is nearly every way.

roll bar
suspension (radical change to coil system)
axles (minus the sucky D35...many TJs come with a rear 44 now)
emergency brake (wish I had a handbrake instead of the pedal)
engine (upgrades mainly...recently the intro of the 2.4L and the demise of the 4.0)
air bags (yuk)

...very few parts are interchangable between the two (mainly only drivetrain components)

However the YJ was not much of a big change over the CJ. The same suspension was kept and the top and doors are interchangable. The drivetrain became suckyer in the YJ (no V8 :-( or Dana 300) and the dash got an upgrade. And of course the front clip... Big whoop.

Sorry I am rambling on...but you see my point.[addsig]


You know, I can see why you'd want a cj only chat, but I for one (frou frou TJ owner) would be sad to see everything separated. I don't work on cars, but I like my pesky little questions about " do you clean that leather steering wheel" to be mixed in with the tough guy questions like "so I'm changing my engine, and don't know what this part is" kind of stuff. It's just a fun mix. I like to learn about what kind of things people can fix, and I'm learning a lot of lingo. Besides, there is an everyday section and a techinical section...I make sure to try and keep the frivolous stuff outta the technical forum...

Well I will roll my two pennys into the hat and get up on the soap box....
1st Yes I am one of those soft, fluffy type of guys who owns a TJ. and yes I am wondering how to clean the grime out of my leather steering wheel. lol
But I have learned what SOA means and have have learned all sorts of things that I have passed on to my jeep group from this site. Any information learned either for a CJ, YJ, or a TJ is valuable information. You never know when your going to come across a fellow jeeper in distress out in the boonies with grime in his steering wheel or a leaking rear transfer case seal.
A day without learning a thing is surly a wasted day. [addsig]


I do agree with you MR. UTAH keep them all close so we can all learn more.... :-D [addsig]