cherokee no start


New member
well, im back again with another problem.You all helped me out the last time,and once again im stumped!

I have an 89 jeep cherokee limited 4x4..4.0 motor,automatic.

i have been having a problem with the jeep dieing while driving down the road,or even at also would act up alot worse when i turned on the a/c(that is what throws me).well, it finally died on me and wont restart,had to have it towed home.the coil and module are fine,i changed them out with a known spare set i had anyway.its getting fuel,but no spark!
i replaced the cps 2 times and still nothing..i checked it with an ohm meter,and it checked out fine.all the tune up parts are new...the only thing i havent replaced is the camshaft position sensor!!could this be my problem? is ther any way to check this part?and if so,what should i do to check it?
any help would be grreat,im at a loss...thank you..

matt h..............central florida

If you think this is the problem I would get a price on the sensor and if its not that much just replace it...and if that dont work find out why the sky is blue and your problem will be
i'm sure most any service manual would at least give you an amperage range for you to test the sensor with a multimeter.
Never too tough for MOM!!

To the very best of my knowledge, and I could be wrong about this, because I am working with a distributorless ignition system on mine, but I think the camshaft position sensor only deals with the delivery of fuel, not spark... According to my FSM, it deals with fuel synchronization...

My suggestion would be that thing under the distributor, plugs into something, think it's the distributor pick-up plate or something like that, I really don't know... My first guess would have been the coil, but since you've replaced that, I'm at a loss...

Have you checked:

1. you are actually getting spark
2. you are actually getting fuel

Does it try to start at all?
RE: offroad lights

yes i have...i have plenty of fuel pressure but absolutely no spark....the motor turnd over fine but with no wont start of course....
Cool Front Bumper for a CJ

spark plugs, plug wires, distributor cap, rotor, pickup, ignition module, coil, PCM, battery ground

just brainstorming... electrical diagnostics is tough!

RE: Cool Front Bumper for a CJ

all the above is new...i have 2 coils and 2 ign modules..ive tried both...still nothing....does the camshaft position sensor have anything to do with spark????? thanks for the help...its much appreciated
Aftermarket Rock Bumper proper bracing

xjjunkie said:
all the above is new...i have 2 coils and 2 ign modules..ive tried both...still nothing....does the camshaft position sensor have anything to do with spark????? thanks for the help...its much appreciated

Totally uneducated here, but I would not doubt for a minute that the cam position sensor has something to do with the spark. Not like the good 'ol days........the computer has taken over. My TJ doesn't even have a distributor so any timing adjustment is out the window. And don't even start on the emissions! :shock: Anyway, the cam sensor seems to be worth a shot. Best of luck.
Motor dying at idle and or when you turn on something like the A/C is an Amp loss. I know this sounds basic, but.... charge the battery and check the alternator for good output. Nothing else can run right in the ignition if the battery does not have good volts and the alternator is not making enough amps..


RE: Free Jeep!

If you have another car, try swapping batteries.. also, check all battery connections, including the ones at the atarter.
RE: Aftermarket Rock Bumper proper bracing

thanks for all the suggestions....ill try them all here in the next couple days...ill keep you posted
Re: window problem

xjjunkie said:
thanks for all the suggestions....ill try them all here in the next couple days...ill keep you posted

I´d check the wires for the CPS, I just changed my CPS and noticed the plug with the ignition on has 3.8 volts or so on both sides of the plug to ground. Mine works fine, so if yours is different it´s probably in the wiring.
Might want to unplug the CPS and the CPU and test the wires for resisitnace, the C-101 connector has a reputation for screwing up (that big old connector to the side of the booster. Yours may not have a C-101 connector, they discontinued them right around 89.
The the wires for the CPS cook often on the exhaust manifold and often fatigue through under the insulation, where you can't see the broken wire, right at the bend near the firewall. Ohm check, while jiggleing the wire should tell you, what´s happening.
Also clean the connector out really good, use a contact spray, no WD 40 or oil. I had to scrub mine out with a tiny brush, was good for about 3 more miles to the gallon after I did.

well, after alot aof time and money my cherokee is was the ecm....and of course it was the last thing i checked....

the good news is literally every sensor on my truck is new,so i now have spares,and it is running better than ever.

