Chevy 350 TBI


New member
Anyone have experience with throttle body injection? Good idea? I have an engine that my auto teacher pulled from his 94 suburban because it was burning oil so I'm tearing the block down and taking a look to see what the problem is, the pistons look to be in great shape, just going to see if we can figure out this problem first but it's throttle body injected and if I'm going to start putting money into then I want to male sure I know what I'm getting into with it, I got it torn down all the way to the short block in less that 2 hours this morning any help is greatly appreciated.

Tbi motors are good. Most are roller blocks so a roller cam swap is cheap. One piece rear main is nice. Some vortec heads with an intake you will have some fun. Built about 5 of them. One I run in my 83 chev and am in low 13s.
Really?! That's great to hear! I may need info on it as I go along, I have a bunch of accessories I have to purchase (water pump, alternator etc.) because my
Teacher pulled the engine and put all the accessories on that motor so I start put with the intake down, no wiring harness no computer I only have a distributor which I'm replacing, I am on a budget so I don't want to spend to much money. I priced the harness at 350 and I have to find a computer and a throttle body and all the fun stuff.

Ya. A wrecker you could get it all for less than that. Make sure you choose a cam for your motor not just pick one. Otherwise you will be disappointed.
I got the v-6 4.3 TBI , best gas mileage I've seen in a long time getting almost 26mpg around town in my 3b everything else I own gets around 13-16 if I'm lucky the 3.7 in my wifes liberty gets 15 around town with the fuel injection I'm contemplating putting a 4.3 TBI in that also
you wont regret the TBI , even with the 350 you'll notice a big difference
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Alright guys I've come
Across some major disappointments today, I have to get the block rebored, and id have to purchase new pistons, gaskets, rings, bearings and all kinds of other things I dont quite have the money for I'm on an extreme budget here, and my teacher has a 4.2 I6 vortec engine what is your take on that engine? And with the 4.3 what are the numbers it's producing?

A lot of times you can find a complete donor vehicle for less than $500. and get everything you need in one package , you get the eng , trans , harness , computer , radiator ect all in one package saving you lots of cash

What's trans you have?
jester if that question was directed to me it's a sm465

for the 4.3
as for numbers it is producing I don't know hasn't been dyno 'd yet
I do know it puts out more power than I need and the low end torc is out of this world

as for modification you'll need a good set of motor mounts I used the advance adapter ones
trans cross member may need modification depending on what transmission you use also your tranfercase you may or may not need a adapter.I used a novak
you may or may not need to have your drive shafts shortened or lengthened time will tell .
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I'm extremely interested in the 4.3 it weighs almost 100lbs less than the 4.0 and it has a little more power, so I'm thinking that might be the way I want to go because the Gen 1 350 TBI weighs in at about 550lbs the 4.0 weighs 515 I'm trying to save weight because I've added weight so I'm trying to adjust to get decent gas mileage, fairly good power and reliability. I've heard alot of good things about the 4.3 and it seems just right for me besides I'm on a crazy short budget and for all the things I need to do to this 350 to get it up and running is just out of this world. I live in Canada so everything is expensive here -.- but I can probably find a decent s10 for cheap I don't really need V8 power and the 4.3 sounds like an easy enough swap.

pulling from the donor to the install took me by myself 8 1/2 hrs than the wiring and other odds and ends about another 4 hrs . take into consideration I had all power air tools , everything I needed was at my disposal , also doing this kind of work all my life also helped not having to stop every 5 min to look into a manual ,
but still anyone can do this swap if they take there time , and have all the proper hand tools , I'm not talking about one of those cheap $20 socket and wrench sets you get at checker , those will only cause you to bust knuckles and you'll see how fast they bend or break on a tight bolt
the late 80s early 90s s-10 blazers are the easiest swaps mid 90s to early 00 are a little more difficult since they have a bit more that needs to be swapped along with the motor

If you need any help with anything just ask I'm sure between all of us here and your teacher you'll get all the help you need


Ok, guys this project hasn't been abandoned yet, but here's where everything stands. Rebuild kit 310 from summit cam lifters and timing chain right around 3 something from summit so that's the block rebuilt there I have to get it tanked and rebored no idea how much that will cost me yet, I haven't found a donor truck yet. It's a 1993 K1500 Suburban that this motor is out of so I don't know if I can mix and match or what's going on there any info on what interchanges like can I use a wiring harness from something around the same year? As well as computer and throttle body and stuff? And for the radiator would I be able to fit a truck rad in my jeep ? They just seem to big...also trans cooler I'll probably need one right seeing as it is automatic. Do I need to changes my gauges cause I know alot of people do. My Jeep has a check engine light but alot of people put one in why is this? For engine mounts should I get them from Novak or should I take them from the donor if I can? Sorry for all the questions I just read alot of stuff and get unsure of things, please remember my budget is really tight.
Ok, if anyone can answer those questions above that would be great! Also found a donor today for about 850 it's a silverado from 1993 it's a 2500 series I have the engine already that I'm rebuilding to make it a good durable engine but there's another engine I plan to take re starter and accessories and mount brackets from now my question is I'm obviously taking the transmission with it as well as computer and harness after all it is a TBI, do you guys reccomened I take the engine mounts from the truck and weld them to the frame in the jeep? And for the transfer case should I take it from the truck because I don't want to spend 550$ on an adapter. If you guys can answer all these questions and the ones above I would really appreciate it.

The 2500 usually came with the th400 but mAy have the 700r4. The engine mounts I would go Novak. But the t case u can use u will just have to re clock it down as it is fairly level in the Chevys. And as long as the drop is on the proper side.