Chrysler 8.25 Rear End


New member
Debating on swapping out my rear end for a Chrysler 8.25 .... pros and cons? I will be getting a locker for it as well to make a posi rear.. I don't have it now, and don't have a clue as to what rear end I have in it now. Any suggestions? Any cool ideas? Budget friendly please. Found a Chrysler 8.25 off of another jeep xj.. it's quite a drive for it though. Lol.

Budget friendly - ?
What do you have now? (35or44 series) or something else?
Why change that?
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I have a 2000 XJ whatever it came with stock is what I have... I say budget friendly cause I don't wanna spend a ton on a rear end.. basically I want to have the option of a stronger rear end should I decide I want to go off roading or anything like that.
I never had problems with any stock rear ends, even though you read the d35 is goingto break putting the jeep in gear. As long as you don;t do anything crazy, stock works fine.

I agree - anything we need to know - lifted, tires, gears,

An article/post might help


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Only thing I have is an add a leaf spring and my dad did something else to it.. I got like an additional 1 .5" lift.. I'm about to add a stock 80's spare tire carrier. That looks like the Dana 35C, right? Sorry I'm a newbie and still learning. Got bit by the mod bug bad.. and I'm learning as I go.
Easy on the mods ... learn doing the necessary repairs and maintenance, dependability first.

Easy on the mods ... learn doing the necessary repairs and maintenance, dependability first.

My trucks in good shape mechanically, Next list of things are: kolak ignition and tune up kit, Bosch upgraded injectors, electric fan, used oil analysis test, and a transmission cooler ( doubt I am saying it correctly ), and a 136A alternator. All things suggested to keep her going strong. I'm a little late to the mechanic game.. but a good friend, cold beer and a lot of enthusiasm go a long way. I'm catching on little by little 👍
fan is good mod, trans cooler is a GREAT idea, alternator? - Do you really need it other than fans?

What is issue with fan now?
I see a 123A alternator - not a 136A - what is source of Alternator and again why?

The other items would NOT be needed, save your money .

Always KISS.
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fan is good mod, trans cooler is a GREAT idea, alternator? - Do you really need it other than fans?

What is issue with fan now?
I see a 123A alternator - not a 136A - what is source of Alternator and again why?

The other items would NOT be needed, save your money .

Always KISS.

The beefier alternator is because I am going to put an electric fan in - others have suggested it because it will help keep the engine cool and the fan doesn't automatically kick on if I'm not mistaken and I do a lot of city driving, sitting in traffic, etc. I'm basically taking a 98 ZJ's alternator shaving it down on the alternator itself and in the bracket by 1/4". The other analysis' will tell me if I will need a transmission or an engine sooner rather than later. If so I have to look for the heads I am going to replace the inferior 2000 XJ's with. As for the tune up and injectors, I'm overdue for a tune up anyway and that kit I've read helps your MPGs, and the injectors also improve gas mileage, and for around 65 bucks for injectors and 200 for the tune up kit, I don't think it's that bad of an idea. There was a thread about getting up to 25 MPG's, and I am curious to see if I can get some improved mpg. I've already come to the conclusion I am not going to go for a rear end yet.. when I am, I'm going for a big bad one.. possibly a Dana 60 or a 1 ton pickup's. Lol. I have been talked out of it for now.. it will be the last thing I do if I decide at that time to go for it. thanks guys appreciate the feed back.

8.25 will be a good easy upgrade for you, comparable in strength to the d44 and found in the XJ tow package.

Look at Dodge trucks for the 136a nippon denso alternator. You might need to swap your pulley onto it, as well as clock the plastic boot on the pos stud a different direction.
Hoping to save you money maybe I am wrong -
2000 ignition is coil rail (am I right) - I cannot see improving that.
Injectors new I will understand - improved or bigger not sure on that. Fuel trims to = 14.7 may be issue.
Engine oil analysis - just a 1 time snap shot IDK - how is compression? Vacuum? transmission C/V's?

Cooling fans definitely - While working there cramped space maybe a radiator better use of money & will likely improve A/C

Dependability is my 1st thought -