I have found that if you are not set on a style and just looing for something different at a great price! Check out you local pawn shops junk yards and teenagers. Pawn shops get some pretty nice wheels in stock and they are hard to move so can get a deal if you find any. Junk yards some times have a nice sets often with good tires at a good deal. The best finds of all on stereo equipment and stock wheels and some after market wheels come from teenagers who have nothing better to do with their own and sometimes parents money than to fix up their rides. The nice local jeeps in the school yards have the removed parts takeing up room in dads garage and they always need money. Check around there. If you are not a bargan hunter like me get yourself a set from any number of local tire shops. I would just ask and shop around. wheel deals are everywhere. Good luck and welcome Tug[addsig]