Colorado Chapter of JEEPZ.COM


New member
As the unofficial Colorado Chapter of JEEZ.COM, We were able to get together to run a mountain trail in Colorado!

Charles and Charles met on Sunday morning to drive Yankee Hill. We met in a parking lot at Wadsworth and Hampden. We headed out for Central City via I-70 and the Central City Parkway.

This time it was Jeepster357 and cewtwo. Charles and Liza drove their jeep. I drove the Mighty YJ with Tom and Molly.

We didn’t get to Central City. We turned on the Nevadaville Road and stopped at the upper cemetery on Bald Mountain road to air down and get ready.
Charles and Charles while airing down

It was an interesting ride. The snow melt is definitely going on in the foothills of Colorado. There were huge puddles of water in the road. Fun to drive through!
cewtwo driving through water.
Jeepster357 doing some splashing!

Once we got past most of the residential area and headed up the hill, we found an older Chevy pickup mired at the side of the road. They were working at getting it free with stretch tow straps and a come-a-long. The Mighty YJ has a winch, so I offered to assist.

We had to reset the winch anchor point a couple of times. Finally, we got a good strong pull going and the truck came out. During the process, his carb back-fired and it and the “Fire Resistant” hood cover caught on fire. It took two different uses of a CO2 fire extinguisher to finally put it out.

His other damage was a run down battery and a broken rear drive shaft. After the pull, we did some trail cleanup. His friends pulled him alongside the trail so we could get by. When we cam back down, all of them were gone, so they were able to get him out again.

The higher we went, the more snow we found on the trail.

The video shows conditions on the upper mountain.
(Clicking will take you off-site)

It was a wet, soft snow. All of us had stepped through the crust and gotten our legs and shoes wet at the side of the trail. Jeepster357 had far better traction with his fairly new tires then I did with my older MTRs. I used my winch a lot.

We did not make it to the top of the trail, but it won’t be long and it will be blazed.

We turned around and went out the same way we went in. We aired up in the area of the 3 major cemeteries above Central City.

Charlie, Tom, Molly and Charles (Liza took the picture! Thanks, Liza!)

It was a lot of fun. On our way back to the highway, we stopped at a casino and had a great buffet Mother’s Day dinner!

nice rides! you know charles hasn't washed ours yet.....he had to show off at work today. that, and the mud covers that lovely scratch/dent!

That's TOO Cool!!!!! Love to hear of any "Z'ers" hooking up!!!! Mudwoman and I met up with Saurian (birthday today, BTW) up in Michigan....we didn't wheel together, but we did drool over each other's Jeeps. We're going to be out in Colorado around June 6th (John Prine/ Emmy Lou Harris at Red Rocks)...................what's the "Colorado Chapter" doing around then?????:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Great pics...............all Southern Louisianians are very jealous!!!! (I think I can speak for LauraBoston also).
Howdie Mud4feet,
Thats a heck of a question but im game for a trip, my kids will be here then so i suppose it just depends on what kind of wheelin you all wanna do on whether me and the little woman can make it, those kids wont let me out of the house without taking them along


Do you want a Meet'n'Greet or do you want to do a trail (drivin' or flyin')?

We can always set something up!
Unfortunately, we'll be taking the silver bird and will be Jeepless. But if somebody's willin' to buy me one, I never turn down a free beer!!:purple: :purple:

We'll be staying in Silverthorne..........don't know how geographically convenient that is for anybody.

There is great beer in Silverthorn at the Dam Brewery. Red Cone, Webster Pass and Radical Hill are all 20 minutes away from Silverthorn aswell.


Flying in on the 5th, concert the 6th, flying back to Louisiana the 10th.

So, that gives us 4 days to meet? Aw hell, I'd have to be real unlucky to have clinicals every single one of those days.

There's an outdoor brewery in Golden called "Golden City Brewery" . It's in the middle of Golden, and the beer is scrumptious. Plus, pets are allowed, and the locals are always bringing their instruments and playing with the fire pits going. We should meet up there pre-concert.
Sounds like a great place to have a Meet & Greet!

I have it pencilled in!

BTW - Silverthorne is about an hour and a half West of Denver on I-70 (just 6 miles past the "Hole in the Wall" aka the Eisenhower/Johnson Tunnel). Great little bakery on the main drag on Frisco (Silverthorne's sister city to the West).
Well, we got a phone call today.......from another son back home (the NC mountains). His 6 year old daughter has been diagnosed with a tumor on the cerebelum. Surgery scheduled for Tuesday. He needs someone there (3 other kids, 1, 8, and 9 or there abouts and both of the parents work). Mudwoman is flying out Sunday (soon as we could get) and will be staying 'til whenever. Needless to say, I think the "meet and greet" or whatever great time that was going to happen will not happen at this time. All prayers are appreciated. We'll get together sometime, trust me.

the muds

I'm so sorry, I will keep your family in my prayers. We look forward to a meet and greet at another time.

Stay strong and God Bless,
Jeepstergirl(jeepster357's better half:-))
I fully understand Mud, family should always be our priority in life. Sorry to hear about the tumor and we will say a prayer for you folks. Let us know if we can be of any assistance, hard to be of much help from a distance but the offer is still open.
So sorry to hear that. Will keep Nate & family in our prayers. Hope everything goes well. Let me know if there's anything I can do (NC's not that far away). Will be thinking of you all. Take care bro'.

Well, there is no news yet (surgery is tomorrow) but, the same guy that did Ted Kennedy's surgery is doing Lindsay's. So that's a good thing.............gotta hang on to the good things..............
An update:

Surgery went well......she was actually talking to her mother when they moved her from recovery to ICU. They believe they got it all - doing an MRI today to make sure. Don't know yet about the tumor (sent off for lab work). We are grateful for all the prayers......keep 'em coming, it's not over yet.