Cooling Problems


New member
I noticed that my Jeep was heating up fairly quickly when i was at a complete dead stop.

I checked the fans & One of them is not moving . It is the radiator fan.

Should this be moving at all times?

Why isnt it running?

leave it sit in the drive at idle. watch for the fan to kick in. if your temp is above 220 or so i would start diagnostics on the fan , relays and such.:o
one fan runs as primary and the second one runs as a catch-up fan and it is supposed to run all of the time when the A/C is on.
It has a relay/override that runs both I think when the A/C is running.
the other fan runs for the condenser, that's why it's on when the a/c's on. When the pressure in the condenser gets to a certain point the "other fan" kicks on. You got electric fans, right? .did you try tapping it to see if it kicks on with a hot engine? Can you feel/hear the rad. fan relay clicking? If not you can try swapping it out for another relay and see if that works..I'd get it hot and tap it with something and it probably will kick on... if that's the case, you need a fan and motor.

I confused myself. I read 90xjay post thinking it was him with the original post. What you driving, Daniel?
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