cranks but doesn't start

So I got this '96 Jeep Cherokee XJ that cranks but doesn't start. It's got around 180k on her but I keep everything in good shape. Batt seemed strong.

I used to drive it everyday but this past year I've driven it only about twice a week. It's been just slightly slower to start in the last couple of months, but just barely slower. Was guessing it had something to do with aging plugs or something.

Drove it yesterday and everything was normal like always, sat overnight and today it cranked but didn't catch.

Any ideas on where to start?

When the key is first turned in do you hear the fuel pump?

Sny sputtering when you try to start?

Spray some carb cleaner into the TB and try to start.
Check fuel pressure.

Clean air filter?

Bad vac leak?

Timing off?

Crank sensor.

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So far I've been able to run a couple tests..

Hooked up a fuel pressure gauge and first key turn got it up to only 20psi. Second turn got it up to 45. And third and subsequent turns got it up to 48. It only fell to 43 after 2 minutes so I think that means the fuel pressure is good.

Hooked up a spark tester between a plug and wire and it didn't light at all when cranked so I'm guessing I've got a spark problem. I'll start by doing a tune up with new rotor, cap, wires and plugs then see what happens. After that I'll go after the crank position sensor and spark sensor.

So, I finally found my glasses with a pair of glasses I dont like. LIFE IS GOOD !
But then you know you have 6 pairs of glasses, n u cant find none of them . I THINK THAT'S WHAT HAPPEND TO BRADLY. It sucks.