crappy factory remote unlock


New member
I have the factory remote unlock/lock/panic on my 2001 XJ.

HOWEVER, I am deaf and cannot tell if the Jeep is locked and/or unlocked when I press the remote. I know it emits a beep from the horn while locking, and the interior light comes on when I unlock. However, I cannot stick around in the rain - my hearing aids can get wet.

Is there any way that I can hook the power locks to my flashers? So, when I press the unlock or lock buttons I can tell that it locked or unlocked.

Help would be GREATLY appreciated!

(Also the grand cherokee comes with flashers factory, maybe theres a plug that I can connect or splice into?)

Have you checked your owner's manual? Sometimes the horn and flasher signals are programmable for use with the remote locks.
When I bought my 94 Grand it did not come with the remote. I could have bought a factory remote on ebay for 40 bucks. However I was able to purchase a complete alarm/keyless entry/remote start for 35 bucks. It comes with two remotes and a lot more features than factory setup. It was very time comsuming to install but worth it. These have on board relays that will flash your parking lights once on arm/lock and twice on unarm/unlock. They have pager alarms now too that will vibrate a small keypad in your pocket when the alarm is triggered which may serve your needs better than a siren. Upgrading to a better system might be beneficial all the way around.
It seems like you could fairly simply hook a relay between your door lock circuit and your parking or head lights so that they would flash when your doors lock/unlock. Just wire the relay to turn 12V onto that light circuit when the door lock circuit turns on.

I also have a cheap remote starter and it flashes the parking lights.

jay79cj7 is right in that it would flash your lights but it would flash only once on both lock and unlock and you could not distinguish whether or not it is locked or unlocked just with the lights themselves.
I think a diode could solve that. When I put in my remote starter, I tapped into the power to the door locks. Put a diode in there, and it works only on lock. Flip the diode the other way, it works only on unlock. Got mine from radio shack for about a buck.
When I bought my 94 Grand it did not come with the remote. I could have bought a factory remote on ebay for 40 bucks. However I was able to purchase a complete alarm/keyless entry/remote start for 35 bucks. It comes with two remotes and a lot more features than factory setup. It was very time comsuming to install but worth it. These have on board relays that will flash your parking lights once on arm/lock and twice on unarm/unlock. They have pager alarms now too that will vibrate a small keypad in your pocket when the alarm is triggered which may serve your needs better than a siren. Upgrading to a better system might be beneficial all the way around.

Where'd you get it? I'd really like remote start for my grand cherokee, but all the ones I've found need some bypass thing that coses an arm and a leg. :(