Cuts off


New member
Replaced valve cover and gasket and now engine cuts off when slowing down and when sitting at idle. I figure I have an issue with the gasket (had to replace due to old one damaged and leaking oil) when I installed; maybe need to tighten valve cover bolts more. Anything else I need to check?

Sounds like you may have loosened or broke a vacuum hose. They get pretty brittle on the old CJs. There's nothing that the gasket can do to make the engine stall.
Replaced valve cover and gasket and now engine cuts off when slowing down and when sitting at idle. I figure I have an issue with the gasket (had to replace due to old one damaged and leaking oil) when I installed; maybe need to tighten valve cover bolts more. Anything else I need to check?

Being a CJ fan and having mine apart many times. It is very possible that you have a couple of vacuum lines crossed.
The only hoses I removed/disconnected are the ones with the blue tape on them. I have hooked all back up as they were so I am at a loss.


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