I have low pinion, and I drag my pinion all over the place and It has yet to fail me, So I do not concern myself with a LP front axle for that reason. also the LP axle in forward will have the gears contacting on the coast side of the gear, not ideal, but highly doubt you will ever break anything. The Chevy D60, IIHO is a better axle than the ford for multiple reasons, larger caliper bore, larger wheel bearings and spindles, beefier factory knuckles, you can get aftermarket knuckles fairly easy, the aftermarket is now just starting to address the need for beefier ford knuckles. except for the carrier, there really are no similarities or interchangable parts between the ford or chevy axles.
the only other benefit I can think of for the ford over the chevy is that SRW hubs for the ford are very plentiful, any F250 TTB D50 front hub can be swapped onto a DRW ford D60. the chevy hubs used to be easy to find, I recall a couple years ago I paid $170 for two brand new hubs, rotors, studs and bearing sets from the dealership. About a year ago, they stoped making them. so they are getting scarce.
To add, I am installing chevy D60 my jeep. and a steering 14 bolt in my buggy using Chevy D60 parts and it as well is LP.