The light on my speedo burnt out last week, I figured it was just a bulb...no big deal. I pulled the assembly out to change the bulb and found that the wires that are embedded into the plastic board behind the speedo and tach have melted in half and some others are on their way (almost like a blown fuse). I'm thinking a bad relay. Any other suggestions?....I don't want to replace this until I can figure out what caused it in case it happens again. Thanks.[addsig]
The light on my speedo burnt out last week, I figured it was just a bulb...no big deal. I pulled the assembly out to change the bulb and found that the wires that are embedded into the plastic board behind the speedo and tach have melted in half and some others are on their way (almost like a blown fuse). I'm thinking a bad relay. Any other suggestions?....I don't want to replace this until I can figure out what caused it in case it happens again. Thanks.[addsig]