Hope that caught your eye. I have got a real bad case of the dreaded death wobble. I was driving in town at about 55mph when I hit a large bump or dip in the road. My jeep started shaking like no other. This was no joult it was just down right scary! I slowed down to a stop. As I was slowing I looked out the window and saw my front wheel moving side to side almost turning me into oncoming traffic. It was skaing and moving all over the place. Anyways I limped it to the hotel tightened my tie rod, drag link, suspension, lug and steering damper nuts. Drove it and it is a little better.I tried to repeat the death wobble but only got it when I hit big bumps. The jeep has been driving with no problems for at least 800 miles. I am going to tighten up my ubolts today. After that one bump my jeep hasnt been the same. It was so sudden I dont know what else to do except go over every nut and bolt. If I cant get this sorted out. I am leaving my jeep in denver. Anyone know what else I should do?